Well, Sherman, good luck in the big time with Hillary. We're all wishing you luck you back here.
Sherman did a nice job introducing me. For those that missed it, my name is Chick Cavalcanti, and I was 3rd Ward councilman from 1975 to 1979. I've been asked by Mayor Underdahl to fulfill this role once again, a charge I enthusiastically accepted.
As far as whether I plan on continuing to keep writing in this internet diary, I don't know yet. That Marisha they assigned me thinks it would be a good idea, but I'm still not totally sure how it all works. The guys at my bar, Chick's, on Stanton Avenue, talked about it once in awhile and I was never totally clear what he was trying to accomplish with it. But we'll keep it going for the time being and try to make it relevant. I asked the guys at the bar, some of my steady guys like Hank and Steve, if they read any online diaries. They sent me emails with a couple suggestions, but I looked at them and thought they were junk. I don't know how those guys got so damn conservative. Used to be solid, lunch-pail liberal union guys back in my day.
I asked that Marisha they assigned me what she thought I should write in the diary for today, and she had a few ideas, a lot of which were sort of good. I might just let write it if she wants to. She seems to be pretty hip to this stuff. Sherman was always having her write about rock bands, which seems like sort of a waste of a pretty sharp mind. I don't know what the hell is so interesting about rock bands. Do people write a lot about rock bands on these diaries? I guess I'll have to look at a few and see what's going on with them. If you know of any good ones, you can send them. But that Marisha they assigned me is pretty sharp.
I asked my grandkids Skippy, Charlie III and Madison what I ought to put in the diary and they sent me a bunch of photographs of talking cats. I don't really know how to get them out of the email, but they sure sent a bunch of them. I guess I could describe them instead of putting them up here. There's this cat, and he's looking at his feet because he's on his back, and he's saying "oh hey, are you my feet?" except it's all misspelled. So I guess the cat is supposed to be trying to speak cat language or something. I guess I don't get it.
Well, good luck out there. We'll talk soon.