Thursday, August 16, 2007

So...I have houseguests!

Sherman here, everyone! I've just been at an internet pub in Dublin enjoying a Guinness and reflecting back on an exciting afternoon of visiting Bono's primary school and hearing his second form English teacher speak, when I decided to check in with the old "blog" to see how things are going back in Armitage Heights.

And imagine my surprise to learn that I have five houseguests in my absence! What a surprise! As you can see, I was so surprised I spilled my Guinness all over the table and on my "Rattle and Hum" t-shirt (my new friend, tour buddy and fellow U2 fan Jon from Pittsburgh snapped this photo above).

Romney brothers! All five! In my house!


This is very unexpected! And exciting!

I know they're all good boys, so I'm sure they'll take care of things just fine. Still, I am sure my assistant Marisha will be checking in on them just to be sure everything is OK.

Maybe Marisha will even be checking in with them twice a day to be certain everything is going OK!

Anyway, I've sent the boys a welcome email, and I hope that Councilman Sinderman passed on the instructions for feeding my favorite pal Hubert.

I certainly can't wait to get back to the neighborhood and have a talk with Reeves about this fascinating development!

1 comment:

The Masticator said...

Sherman, I am so excited about the Romney brothers. I really hope they do some guest posts. I have some specific worries about a Mormon's fitness for White House duty, and I think the young Romneys are perfect ambassadors for the cause. Please, explain to us why we shouldn't be mortified by an un-Christian president.