Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Back in cyberspace!

Pardon me for my extended absence here in cyberspace, but it has been a crazy week here in the office!

My assistant Marisha has been sick with the flu for the last few days, and I believe she also broke up with her boyfriend Billy Draeger of the band the October Revolutionists. So hopefully she'll be getting through both of those rough spots in the next few days. On a related note, please stop sending emails asking for Marisha's contact information. The fact that she is now single does not mean she wants to hear from you or be your friend on "MySpace." You creeps out there know who I'm talking to.

Additionally, I was out of town for a few days to attend the annual meeting of the League of Metro City Councilpersons in Tempe, Arizona. It was a great time meeting with other city councilpersons from around the country and spreading the good word about Armitage Heights. It sure was warm in Tempe, and very pleasant, but their neighborhoods are nowhere near as vibrant as our own! For instance, Mitchell Park East, the neighborhood I was staying in, had a few nice restaurants and shops, but nothing like our own vibrant Armitage Avenue/Stanton Avenue commerical corridor! It may be colder here, but does Mitchell Park East in Tempe have:

The fact is, they do not. But Armitage Heights does!


Anonymous said...

i tried to put up 3 comments and u wouldnt let me.

what i want to say is that i cant believe that marisha and billy draeger broke up.

ive been trying to say it since you posted the thing.

i really hope they get back 2gether because were only on da earth a short time & its rly important to be with the 1 you really love.

i know they can work it out and they really love each other 4eva. im so jealous, billy is teh zomg!!!!!!11

marisha is like an older sis 2 me and i really look up 2 her. tell her hello and i made her this pic of her and billy eating a romantic and healthful fruit salad cos i know shes trying 2 watch her weight

u can put this in yr comments if u want

Andy Sturdevant said...

Sorry you had so much trouble, Tracey -- I still haven't gotten the hang of this whole "comments" thing. By the way, that's a really nice Photoshop illustration! We're all pulling for Billy and Marisha here, too.


Anonymous said...

Sherman, with all due respect, I'm removing both of these comments.

Anonymous said...

Also, thanks, Tracey, you're sweet. We'll have to talk about this later. See you at the Witness to the Thunder show this Friday at Spike's?